
Datadeck provides you with a set of endpoints that simplify access to consumer and business data. Use the endpoints to connect to Utility and Telecommunications providers worldwide on behalf of your users. Datadeck lets you query and receive data in a consistent manner, so you can build products for Bill Payments, Identity verification, Credit risk, Carbon Accounting and Energy Management.

You can get started by signing up for an account on the Datadeck Dashboard. The Dashboard is the central hub through which you will be able to view and manage everything related to the Datadeck API. For example you can set up teams, manage products and customize how your app user will interact with your app through the Dashboard.

Once you are logged into the Dashboard, you will find the keys to access three environments that you can explore.

  1. The Sandbox Environment deals completely with fake data and is the best option to use when you're first starting out.
  2. The Development Environment gives you access to real data, but for a limited number of accounts. Use it to test your integration with a set of trusted developers.
  3. The Production Environment gives you unlimited access to real data, where you'll be billed for your usage.


The Development and Production environment use the Live API and let you access real world data, while the Sandbox environment uses the Sandbox API and access mock data.