Sustainability for Platforms

Simplifying Utility Account Linking for Your Platform

You are here to make it easy for your users to link their utility accounts.

User-Friendly Account linking Experience

You will use Deck Link, a widget that will be embedded in your user flow in order for your users to give Deck permission to link their utility account. Deck Link handles all of the end-user authentication flows, including when we face incorrect credentials or MFA scenarios.

Reliable and Continuous Data Stream

When your user link their Account through Deck Link, the data history that can be pulled is up to multiple years. This can be useful to produce quarterly or yearly reporting all at once.

Once that Account is linked however, it is possible to continuously fetch the data on a periodical basis, enabling real-time analyses and reports.

In-Depth Insights with Detailed Datasets

To power your use-case, you can access granular consumption details and breakdown of charges. As a rule of thumb, if the data point you need is seen on an invoice from that provider, Deck is able to pull it for you.

We have two endpoints to facilitate your workflows. You either get consumption by invoice to receive an aggregated view, or get consumption by charge, to get a more detailed view. The payload of data can be substantially higher on the Charges endpoint.

Sample Response for the Invoice endpoint:

  "source_name": "Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)",  
  "source_type": "Electricity",  
  "source_country": "United States",  
  "accounts": [  
      "account_number": "123456789",  
      "account_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  
      "invoices": [  
          "invoice_number": "INV-2024-10001",  
          "invoice_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  
          "invoice_address": {
            "city": "San Francisco",  
            "countryCode": "US",  
            "countryName": "United States",  
            "postal_code": "94105",  
            "state": "CA",  
            "streetLine1": "245 Market St",  
            "streetLine2": "Suite 100"  
          "invoice_date": "2024-08-14",  
          "invoice_period_start": "2024-07-14",  
          "invoice_period_end": "2024-08-14",  
          "invoice_period_days": 31,  
          "consumption_amount": 28735.8,  
          "consumption_unit_type": "kWh",  
          "charge_amount": 13064.09,  
          "charge_currency": "USD",  
          "meter_number": "MT-123456",  
          "meter_address": {
            "city": "San Francisco",  
            "countryCode": "US",  
            "countryName": "United States",  
            "postal_code": "94105",  
            "state": "CA",  
            "streetLine1": "245 Market St",  
            "streetLine2": "Suite 100"  

Note: if multiple meters, you will receive one object per meter per invoice in the invoices array.

Sample Response for the Charges endpoint:

  "source_name": "Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)",  
  "source_type": "Electricity",  
  "source_country": "United States",  
  "accounts": [  
      "account_number": "123456789",  
      "account_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  
      "charges": [  
          "invoice_number": "INV-2024-10001",
          "invoice_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
          "invoice_date": "2024-08-14",
          "invoice_period_start": "2024-07-14",
          "invoice_period_end": "2024-08-14",
          "invoice_period_days": 31,
          "consumption_amount": 28735.8,
          "consumption_unit_type": "kWh",
          "charge_amount": 12068.44,
          "charge_currency": "USD",
          "meter_number": "MT-987654",
          "charge_name": "Meter 1 Energy Consumption"
          "invoice_number": "INV-2024-10001",
          "invoice_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
          "invoice_date": "2024-08-14",
          "invoice_period_start": "2024-07-14",
          "invoice_period_end": "2024-08-14",
          "invoice_period_days": 31,
          "consumption_amount": 0,
          "consumption_unit_type": "N/A",
          "charge_amount": 995.65,
          "charge_currency": "USD",
          "meter_number": "MT-987654",
          "charge_name": "California State Tax"

Notes on Charge endpoint, versus the Invoice endpoint:

  • Does not include invoice-level or meter-level addresses
  • Gives one object per charge per meter per invoice, enabling the separation of taxes and other line items.
  • Has an added datapoint in "charge_name", offering details about a specific charge
  • The “charge_amount” is specific to that line item, as opposed to the "charge_amount" in the Invoice endpoint, which gives the total of the different charges.

Coverage should never be an issue with Deck

Although Deck's network of utilities is extensive, it is not infrequent that we find gaps for smaller regional utility providers that is flagged by tech or product folks from our customer base. Typically, if you flag it to us, your users will be able to find that provider in the search bar of the Deck Link within a few days. If we're not talking already on Slack, you can reach out directly here: