Credit Risk Overview

Transform credit risk assessment with Deck's 'Credit_Risk', a powerful tool designed to fetch crucial data from utility and telecom providers, aiding financial institutions and credit unions in making informed underwriting decisions. Credit_Risk seamlessly integrates with your underwriting platform, allowing end users to connect their utility and telecom accounts for enhanced data enrichment.

Strategic Data Insights for Informed Decisions

Unlock the potential of intelligent credit risk decision-making by leveraging Credit_Risk. Designed to automatically retrieve data from connected utility and telecom accounts, providing key insights such as the number of invoices, account age, and the frequency of late payments.

Effortless Utility Account Connections

Credit_Risk empoweres financial institutions and credit unions to effortlessly integrate utility and telecom account data into their underwriting platform. Credit_Risk offers a user-friendly interface, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience for both institutions and end users.

Automated Data Retrieval for Enhanced Efficiency

Bid farewell to manual data gathering. Credit_Risk automates the process of fetching data from connected accounts, streamlining the acquisition of essential credit risk indicators. This not only saves time but also enhances the accuracy of decision-making processes.

We offer three endpoints that allows you to accelerate your credit risk process. /credit_risk/get retrieves historice invoices going back upto 24 months, this endpoint allows you to get details such as Invoice date, payment date and payments amounts. /credit_risk/insights provides you with insights from the invoice history in an easily consumable form that can be used in your underwriting journey. /credit_risk/invoice/file allows you to download the PDF invoices as made available by the Data Source.